Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Diapa Humiliation

Living in Libtown as a diapered bedwetter there are many occasions when I experienced humiliation. I'm kept in diapers full time until I finally gain control of wetting the bed at night. But there were many occasions when I experienc the humiliation of a sissy's shame: the feeling of self-consciousness that overcomes a bedwetter whenever he happens to be publicly exposed as a diaper-wearer.

While I have largely gained daytime control over my wetting, I still have plenty of humiliating accidents.

Here at Libtown, da guys are beginning to think of themselves as grown up, as tough guys. Encouraged by their master, da Liberal Librarian, they strike out for greater independence. "Don't be a pussy. Don't be a bitch. Act like a man." Dat's what my Lord and Savior, da Liberal Librarian, tells my ass.

It goes without saying dat da woyst and most humiliating thing that could ever happen to my ass was to defecate in my pants in public. Unfoytunately for my ass, I am neither very athletic nor very self-confident, and I am foyrmly tied to my mother's all-powerful apron strings. She sure humiliates my ass. Howeva, just dis week, I suddenly found myself in the situation of a pussy who shits his pants. So, my Ma laid down da law on my ass. I was going to be publicly flogged unleading a quart of warm chocolate pudding my pants.

I begged foy mercy and she relented. My Ma foyced my ass to wear diapas in Libtown. My Ma made it clear to my ass in no unsoytain terms that if I was going to act like a baby I was going to be treated like a baby. If I was going to shit my pants in Libtown, I was going to have to wear diapers in Libtown.

From that time on, da punishment for emptying my bowels in pants was wearing diapers for a full day. And so it was that two or three times dis week I experienced da moybid humiliation for staining my pants, a Laquer-brown dat I was sent back to slave for da Lord wearing diapers and rubber pants.

It really upsets my Savya, da Liberal Librarian, that I disgrace myself in public by sliming up my pants. I try to hide da humiliating truth, but unfoytulnately foy my ass, da Lib always found out because my Ma made me tell him.

As a punishment, my Ma strips my ass to my diapers and baby pants as soon as I get home to da shack. After I did my chores so I can buy her lazy ass some cigarettes, Ma makes my ass go into the bathroom and sit on
the toilet in my diapers and baby vinyls and think about where I was supposed to go to the bathroom until da Messiah came over. And the whole time that I sat there on da poyselan trone in my diapers and plastic panties, I knew that I was going to be humilitated by my Lord.

When da Lib shows, in his drug-induced haze, I am foyced to stand in front of my him stripped to my humiliating diapers and baby pants and confess that I had shit my pants.

My Ma has a real vindictive streak, and she always wants da Masta to know "what her woythless son has
done now." If my Ma's goal was to embarrass my ass, she soytainly succeeded.

Da Masta, marches me to da shed. He den, bends my ass over and he pulls my diapers down in back, exposing bare, dimply, shit-smudged ass for a good old fashioned whipping, like dey used to hab in slave days.

So yesterday, when I got home, my Ma layed my ass back on da bed on my rubber sheet, undressed my ass, washed my crotch off with a wet wash cloth, and fetched a fresh cotton diaper from the pile of diapers neatly folded and stacked on top of my dresser. Den she quickly and skillfully pinned a thick layer of diapers on me. My mother pulled da folds of the soft cotton diapers up between my legs, up over my pee-pee, and pinned da diapas tightly in place with a pair of safety pins.

Boy, my Ma showa knows how to humiliate my ass. Dough, she does nutting to Coitis. Dat old minstrel preacha, defecates in his pants foy times a day, and my Ma makes me clean out his pants and his ass.... Da Noive!!!!

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