Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Abandonment Humiliation

Today is the day afta my pals, Frustrated Inc. had left my ass for my beloved homeland of Pennsylvania. For tree solid weeks, I had known someting was up. I spoke with da Toid about it, and his ass denied anything was going on. "We're just planning a campaign at da library" was the common response. Tree weeks later, I woke up at da Brownview Apartments, and my ass was all alone. I looked all over for anyone. The apartments was empty. The brothel was empty. An Inconvenient Cafe was closed. I went to the Resoich Soivices desk at the library and they laught at my ass. Doz fools told my ass that the Masta was planning some major campaign for his beloved Hillary in my home state of Pennsylvania. What an asshole. Da Bells, Da Skills, Da Retads, even my ma and her two boyfriends left my ass. The Braddock Library Director, Kelly the fruit tried to console my ass. He said that he was also alone in his apartment since his wife caught him watchin the gay porn if I wanted company tonight. He kept rubbin my shouldas, da noive of that gay!! That bastard creeped my ass out so much that I took off without speaking anotha woid. Anyway I went back to my slave quarters at the Brownview Apartments, and I felt uneasy. I felt like I wasn't alone. So I started looking around. I was so noivous I could feel sweating dripping off my tits and down my ass crack. Anyway at that moment I saw a dildo fly across the room, I toined around and met a hard kick to the face. I was knocked down but not out. Unfoitunately, the intruda kept laying a severe beating to my ass. He punched my ass in the stomach so hard, I must have vomited on his face temporarily blinding him. When I came to I realized the introida was no other than that God Damn Monkey, MUD!!! I reached for one of Coitis's empty liquor bottles. But befoy I could kill that damn monkey, he kicked me in the nuts. Not oncet, not twicet, not thricet, but foy times. My nuts hoit so bad, I could barely breath. Then Mud grabbed the bottle from my ass and broke it over my head. That's the last I remember. Unfoitantely, this moining when my ass woke up, my chest was covered in vaseline and womens bras and panties. I think Mud, assaulted my ass sexually. The noive of that bastid. Right now I am locked-up in the shitter. I am gonna stay in here, until my beloved Master gets back. I can't wait till my one-on-one match with Mud. I'm gonna MOIDA HIS TITS!!!

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