Saturday, September 15, 2007

Handicap match tomorrow

Man, I am pumped. I am actually on the card at a WNWA PPV thanks to the generosity of my master The Lib. I can't believe I've resisted all of his teachings all these months. He is a wise man and I'm a fat fool. I have just come to accept the fact that my natural state is to be enslaved as I am not responsible enough to take care of myself. The Lib says most people are like that and should be enslaved to the Democrat government. I used to hate Democrats, but I now think they might be right. I also have started to feel things move beneath my hang gut when I see Hillary, if you know what I mean ;)

Tomorrow, I am teaming with my retard friends, The GOP to form the Legion of Dum as The Lib calls us. We are taking on two fuckin' retards named Dusty Jones and Claudie Clay- this dumb fuck wears a mask and thinks he's a super hero- I call him Super Tard.

I have also come to accept my mother's sexual relationship with strange black men. I think it's a good thing. For too long whitey kept the blacks down and now it's pay back time, DP style. I think all white men should let black men have their way with their wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, friends, what have you. It's only right. Actually, you could watch while they do it and make it a pleasurable experience for yourself, just get some of Retro's new hand cream and go to town.